According to researchers, some 2.5 million Belgians are thought to snore. An impressive figure that accounts for 50% of the male population and 15% of women. Snoring is a common problem that affects not only the sleep quality of the snorer himself, but also that of the partner. Fortunately, there are several solutions available to address this problem, from simple modifications to the sleep environment to innovative devices. In this blog we'd like to review them with you.
What is snoring anyway?
Snoring, also known as ronchopathy, is the sound created during sleep by vibrations of the soft tissues in the nasal cavity, mouth and throat. The disturbing sound occurs because air cannot flow freely through the airways while sleeping. There are several factors that can cause snoring. Consider obesity, alcohol consumption, smoking, allergies and a blocked nose. In addition, anatomical features such as a deviated nasal septum or enlarged tonsils also play a role.
The impact of snoring
When breathing in and out quietly, you produce about 25 to 30 decibels. With the average snorer, this easily exceeds 35 decibels, which can be disturbing to both snorer and partner. This is because the snorer's sleep is disturbed, which can lead to fatigue, irritability and difficulty concentrating. The partner may also have similar symptoms due to lack of sleep. Moreover, snoring may be a sign of a more serious health problem, such as sleep apnea, in which breathing stops and starts again repeatedly during sleep.
Solutions for snoring
There are several ways to address snoring, ranging from simple lifestyle adjustments to innovative devices. Here are some of the most effective solutions:
- Changing sleep position: Sleeping on the side instead of the back can help reduce snoring, as this position keeps the airways more open.
- Maintaining a healthy weight: Being overweight can contribute to snoring. This is because fat accumulation at the neck creates a narrower airway between the nasal passage and the vocal cords.
- Avoid alcohol and sleep aids: These drugs relax the muscles in the throat, which can lead to snoring.
- Treat allergies: Allergies can lead to blocked airways, so treating allergies can help reduce snoring.
- The importance of the right pillow: A good pillow can make a big difference in snoring and sleep problems. Quality pillows allow the neck and shoulder muscles to relax completely, which promotes sleep. Memory foam pillows are often recommended for snorers because they perfectly support the neck and head when lying on your side. These pillows ensure that your spine stays in the correct position, which allows your entire body to relax and reduces snoring.
Bosmans Slaapcomfort gives tailor-made advice
Our sleep experts in the store will be happy to help you. Are you looking for a good supportive pillow or are you unsure which mattress provides better support when you want to sleep on your side? Then feel free to come and test it in the store. Based on your needs, we propose a number of samples that you can easily test.
Make your appointment here.